Apart from liking cat pictures on Facebook or tweeting about the current political scenario on Twitter and sharing your dessert pictures on Instagram, social media plays an important role in helping both small and big business get on their feet and expand their venture. Social media helps the businesses learn what the audience wants and helps the owners to get a hold of the likes and dislikes of their customers. If we compare the business scenarios 2 years back and now, social media has influenced numerous ventures to grow drastically. Here are a few points by which social media can help a business expand.
# Finding and Targeting the Correct Audience
It doesn’t matter if you run a small or big business, social media has something for everyone. Social media makes it easier for a person to detect which country gives them their maximum audience or what age group has the most interest in their product. These insights not only enlighten the owner of these valuable details but helps them assess and improve their product or service.
# Receiving new Customers using Appropriate Social Platform
There are a lot of social media platforms available on the internet and it is important to publicize your business on the appropriate one. Such as if you sell fashion accessories online, platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter might be better options than publicizing your accessories on LinkedIn as it is more of a professional social platform.
# Instantaneous Customer Feedback
Social media helps the customers interact with the social media handles of the business showing their likes and dislikes about your venture. This not only helps you to improve, but it might also get you some ideas from the audience which can give you a boost. User interaction also helps in increasing the audience reach.
# Growing Socially in Real Life
Sometimes growing your business using social media can also be done offline. One such example is Social Media Week which is held twice every year in India. A lot of inspiring ideas were shared in the event and it is advised that business owners should take part in the event at least once.
# Save while Earning
Social Media saves a lot of costs as your products and content can be publicized online with zero or low cost depending upon your requirement. Social media also saves the hassle of printing and posting real-life publicity mechanisms such as brochures and hoardings. A basic statistic is that social media generates the same views as offline publicity in almost one third the cost.
# High Search Engine Rankings
It is not just about feedbacks and interaction, if your content and user interaction is of high quality, it can assure you to get a high rank in searches which lets you get more audience which I exactly looking for services or a product like yours. It also helps in search engines like google determine if your venture is genuine and reliable or not.
A lot of consumers have accepted that they will change their shopping and service selection based on what they find on social media and to improve your consumer quality and quantity social media can prove to be a boon. One thing one must remember is that the more time you take getting online, the farther your competition gets. The sooner you begin your online journey, the sooner you start getting the benefits. Social media management, if done right, it can prove to be the catalyst for your venture.